3. BasicProcessing Functions

class BasicProcessing.UnispecProcessing(config_file)[source]

Initializes the class. Reads input/output parameters from configuration file.

Parameters:config_file (String) – Text file containing input/output configuration

Averages values for each channel and file in data.

Parameters:data – Array of interpolated data (as returned from Interp())
Returns:Array of averaged values for each file
Return type:Array of Floats indexed as [int_WL / int_CH_B / int_CH_A]

Returns a list with a count of saturated values per channel for each file.

Parameters:data (Nested list of Strings) – List of full run data (as returned from ReadFiles())
Returns:List of Arrays [file index, Ch B, Ch A]
Return type:[Integer, Integer, Integer]

Returns a list of wavelengths with saturated values.

Parameters:data (Nested list of Strings) – List of full run data (as returned from ReadFiles())
Returns:List wavelengths indexed as [file index][Ch B(0) / Ch A(1)]
Return type:Nested list of Floats

Gets the time and date from a specified file.

Parameters:file (Nested list of data) – List of data from file (from full run data with file index specified)
Returns:Array containing date and time indexed as [date / time]
Return type:[Date/Time] String

Reads input directory specified in config file and populates class arrays WPs and Stops with file paths/names that are to be processed.

File sets are split based on where white plates are identified date/time (assuming they are included in the filename) and .

Returns:# of runs, # of white plates, # of stops
Return type:Integer, Integer, Integer

Interpolates data to 1 nm.

Only includes wavelengths where data is present for both channels.

Parameters:data (Nested list of Strings) – List of run data (as returned from ReadFiles())
Returns:Array of interpolated data indexed as [file #, int_WL / int_CH_B / int_CH_A]
Return type:[file, WL/Ch B/Ch A] Array of Floats
ReadFiles(flist, headerlen)[source]

Reads Unispec output files into a list, separating header and spectrum data for each file.

  • flist (Nested list of Strings) – List of files to read (as returned from GetFileLists())
  • headerlen (Integer) – Constant defining how many lines the header consists of

List of data indexed as [file index][header / data][row index][CH_B_WL / CH_B / CH_A_WL / CH_A]

Return type:

Nested list of Strings

Refl(Stop_data, WP_data)[source]

Calculates reflectance for an array of data.


Array of reflectance values for each file

Return type:

[File, WL] Float

RemoveSaturated(orig_data, sat_data)[source]

Removes data from files indexed in sat_data from orig_data.

  • orig_data (Nested list of Strings) – List of full run data (as returned from ReadFiles())
  • sat_data – List of Arrays [file index, Ch B, Ch A]

List of reduced run data (maintains list format)

Return type:

Nested list of Strings

Stops = [[]]

Array of stop files indexed as [Run #][Stop #]

WPs = [[]]

Array of white plate files indexed as [Run #][WP #]

WriteOutput(data, path, filename)[source]

Creates a CSV file of the reflectance data in data.

A file should be generated for each set of stops. Each row then represents a stop and each column corresponds with a wavelength.

  • data (Array of Floats indexed as [File, int_WL / int_CH_B / int_CH_A]) – Array of reflectance data (as returned from Refl())
  • path (String) – Directory to save the generated file in
  • filename (String) – Filename to use for the generated file


Return type:


plot_Averaging(orig_data, avg_data)[source]

Creates a plot comparing a collection of data with its average.

Useful for checking white plate averaging.



Return type:


plot_R(R_data, idx)[source]

Creates a plot from reflectance data.



Return type:


class BasicProcessing.consts[source]

Class of constants to make understanding various lists/arrays simpler.

CH_A = 3
CH_A_WL = 2
CH_A_WL_End = 3
CH_A_WL_Start = 2
CH_B = 1
CH_B_WL = 0
CH_B_WL_End = 1
CH_B_WL_Start = 0
WL_Lims = 2
data = 1
date = 0
datetime = 1
header = 0
int_CH_A = 2
int_CH_B = 1
int_WL = 0
time = 1