Source code for Main
Created on Aug 4, 2015
@author: amcmahon
from BasicProcessing import UnispecProcessing
from BasicProcessing import consts
import os.path
import sys
[docs]def main():
Main function for generating CSV files from a directory of Unispec data.
Input/Output paths, white plate identifier string and header size should be specified in "config.txt".
Outputs one CSV file per tram run, where each row represets a stop and columns are wavelengths interpolated to 1nm.
path = str(os.path.realpath('.'))
Spec = UnispecProcessing(path + r'\config.txt')
run_count, WP_count, stop_count = Spec.GetFileLists()
for run in range(0,run_count):
if (WP_count[run] == 0) or (stop_count[run] == 0):
WP_data = [[[None], [None]] for item in range(0,WP_count[run])]
Stop_data = [[[None], [None]] for item in range(0,stop_count[run])]
sat = [[None], [None]]
#When getting data from these, they are formatted as:
# var[file index][header/data][row index][CH_B_WL/CH_B/CH_A_WL/CH_A]
WP_data = Spec.ReadFiles(Spec.WPs[run], Spec.HeaderLines)
Stop_data = Spec.ReadFiles(Spec.Stops[run], Spec.HeaderLines)
#Formatted as:
# var[file index][CH_B/CH_A][WL]
# value of var is the WL saturation occurred at
sat_WP = Spec.CheckSaturation(WP_data)
sat_stops = Spec.CheckSaturation(Stop_data)
print("Saturated Measurement Count\n\t\tCh_B\tCh_A")
for idx, curfile in enumerate(sat_WP):
print("WP " + str(idx) + ":\t\t" + str(curfile[1]) + "\t" + str(curfile[2]))
for idx, curfile in enumerate(sat_stops):
print("Stop " + str(idx) + ":\t\t" + str(curfile[1]) + "\t" + str(curfile[2]))
print("\n" + str(len(sat_WP)) + " WPs and " + str(len(sat_stops)) + " stops saturated.")
#Spec.RemoveSaturated(WP_data, sat_WP)
#Spec.RemoveSaturated(Stop_data, sat_stops)
#Formatted as:
# var[file, WL/CH_B/CH_A] = [1 dim array of values]
intdata_WPs = Spec.Interp(WP_data)
intdata_Stops = Spec.Interp(Stop_data)
avg_WP = Spec.AvgWPs(intdata_WPs)
#Plot all WPs with average
#Spec.plot_Averaging(intdata_WPs, avg_WP)
R = Spec.Refl(intdata_Stops, avg_WP)
#Plot reflectance for a particular stop
# plot_R_A(Refl data, Stop #)
dt = Spec.GetDateTime(WP_data[0])
Spec.WriteOutput(R, Spec.OutputPath, "test_R_" + dt[] + "__" + dt[consts.time].replace(':','_') + ".csv")
if __name__ == "__main__":